Monday, April 8, 2013


                                                                                          Only five years older than Lorenzo de'Medici by the late 1460s Botticelli had made a name for himself under the apprenticeship of Filippo Lippi, an infamous Medici artist. The teenager was originally spotted by Piero il Gottoso and offered his own studio space inside the Medici Palace. He quickly befriended the charismatic heirs to the dynasty, Lorenzo and his brother Giuliano.
Such intimacy with the most powerful family in Florence was critical to Botticelli's career. He didn't need to depend on his Medici friends for work. Their extended family and hangers-on fell over themselves to keep him busy. The most notorious example was the tax collector Guasparre dal Lama who, in an effort to impress the Medici, asked Botticelli to compose an “Adoration of the Magi"
Bottecelli was a great artist for his time. As a child he was poor and lived on the backstreets of Florence. He was very lucky when he was asked to go into the Medici Palace to be an artist as a teenager. It was told that he was a very handsome man that all the girls liked. He painted some very controversial pictures that were hidden for hundreds of years. He painted a painting called The Birth of Venus for one of the Medici's wedding gift, because Venus was the goddess of fertility and birth. They thought that it was very risque for the time period. Now a days people think that it is beautiful and deserves to get recognized as it is.   



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